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Monkey Chinese Zodiac Signs

Chinese Zodiac Signs – Monkey (1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2021, 2028, 2040, 2052)

Complementing their basic traits of cleverness and intelligence, Monkeys have a solution to every problem. Monkeys are multifaceted people who find enjoyment in everything they do. This keeps them happy and contended all the time.

Talking about the personality traits of a Monkey, they are diplomatic people and know the way of getting things done from people. These people can go to any extent in order to be successful. These people love freedom and independence.

Monkeys Characteristics and Traits show that these are inquisitive people, always hungry for knowledge and information. They are practical people and relate everything with lively examples. This way they tend to remember whatever they study.

Monkeys in love, are faithful and ardent lovers. There partner however needs to keep their interest alive since they can get bored up early. This applies to the professional front too, where they may leave work in between, just because they don’t feel like doing it!

Monkey Chinese zodiac sign is similar to Leo zodiac sign.

Get to know more about the Zodiac Compatibility of Monkey with other Zodiac Signs. Know about the Monkey Chinese Horoscope 2021.

Free Horoscopes through its 2021 Horoscopes wish for your good health and fortune in the year 2021.