Aquarius Details,About Aquarius Zodiac Sign,Aquarius Sun Sign Characteristics,Personality of Aquarius People

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Aquarius - The water bearer (21st January - 19th February)

Symbol- Water Bearer
Element - Air
Day - Thursday, Saturday
Color - Blue
Strength - Honest, Friendly, Possess Intellect
Weakness - Unconventional, Unpredictable, Rigid at times

Aquarius, the eleventh zodiac sign, are the people who live life practically. They live in the present and think about the future. Aquarius people are very calm and soft spoken. They are kind at heart and love a smooth life.

They don't mind listing to the hard truths that come their way.These people keep their mind open for learning from life and people. These people also possess high degree of patience. They know that expressing oneself is the best way to maintain a relationship.

Aquarians are strong willed people who can fight for things they consider right. You can often see an Aquarian sitting alone. They actually give some time to themselves. They introspect and in the mean time also get energized for the work ahead.

Aquarians are creative people and love to experiment with different things in life. These people have a lot of acquaintances whom they call friends, but close friends are very few. Aquarians are an odd mix of everything and can do wonders if they try concentrating themselves in one direction.

They are creative people. Their Interest in drama, plays, music are live examples of their creativity. Aquarians don't usually spell out their beans easily. It is difficult getting to know their action plans for future. Trust is one thing they don't easily do on others. This is one reason they don't make close friends with lot of people. However, lucky are the people whom they trust, as they can go to any extent to be with them. Nobody can make Aquarian against their friends.

These people have a good concentration. They full understand one thing before jumping over to another. Aquarians are also good communicators. They clearly express their feelings in most simple way. Aquarius people don't like taking favors. They feel that a person is responsible for ones own work.

In love, Aquarians are loyal and honest. They love their partners immensely. Their love is often selfless, without any conditions.

Know more about your Aquarius:

Aquarius Man | Aquarius Woman | Aquarius Child